Hunter Biden: Collateral Damage of Political Legal Warfare

Hunter Biden has fallen victim to this new era of political legal warfare that has taken place in America.

Trump’s Conviction is Not The Victory Democrats Think It Is

The news of the conviction of Donald Trump in a New York court sent shock waves around the world. The news had been met...

Trump’s Threat to Democracy shouldn’t be underestimated; an African’s Perspective

Despite the constant attempts by Donald Trump at undermining democracy within the United States, he is still the Republican Party’s nominee and has a...

How Should Africa React to The US Presidential Election?

The United States presidential election has been kicked into high gear over the last few months. Both candidates from the two dominant American political...

America’s Obsession With Race; From an African Perspective

Viewing American culture from an external standpoint as someone who grew up in Africa, one stark difference between our two societies that I have...

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Separatist Forces Will Forever Be A Problem Across Africa

The results of the borders established during the colonial era by European powers still has its effects on Africa today.
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Is Getting a University Education Still Worth It?

The ballooning cost of university tuition, coupled with the growing political divides has led many to conclude that a university degree is no longer worth it

Sports And Politics: A Match Made in Hell

Perhaps one of the most detrimental social trends of the last decade has been the fusing of politics with many aspects of social life.

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We need more Democracy in Africa, not less

Democratic governance has demonstrated its status as one of...

Africans Should Be Worried About the Crisis in Haiti

As Africans, we should care about the crisis overwhelming Haiti right now due to our shared histories of colonial oppression.

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We need more Democracy in Africa, not less

Democratic governance has demonstrated its status as one of...

The Unfulfilled Promises of African Independence 

I was born long after my country, Nigeria, and...

Africa’s Housing Crisis 

Often when we hear the term “housing crisis,” it...