

Separatist Forces Will Forever Be A Problem Across Africa

The results of the borders established during the colonial era by European powers still has its effects on Africa today.

Africa Can Learn a Lot From American Attitudes on Diversity

Tribalism has been a source of major conflict and division within Africa. There is a lot we in Africa can learn from American attitudes towards diversity.

Are We Closer to Full-Out War Between Israel and Hezbollah?

As the Israeli war on Hamas continues to drag on, cross-border attacks between Israel and Hezbollah have continued to escalate. 

Africans Should Be Worried About the Crisis in Haiti

As Africans, we should care about the crisis overwhelming Haiti right now due to our shared histories of colonial oppression.

The State of Israel is Not Above Being Held Accountable

The attempts made to hold Israel accountable for its war in Gaza have been attacked. However, the Israeli state shouldn't be above accountablity for its actions


Why I started an African Blog

This is the very first article that would enter my blog, so I thought it would be fitting to make a short introduction of myself and my plans for the blog.